Ndeapi marudzi eanorasa asingapindire EEG sensors?

Tinoziva kuti iyo inoraswa isingasviki EEG sensor, inozivikanwawo seanesthesia deep sensor, inogona kuratidza kufara kana inhibition state yecerebral cortex, inonyatsopa kuonekwa kweEEG consciousness state uye kuongorora kudzika kweanesthesia.

kuraswa anesthesia kudzika kwete-invasive EEG sensor

Saka ndedzipi mhando dzekuraswa dzisiri-invasive EEG sensors?Zvino ngatidzidzei nezvazvo ~

Inoraswa isina-invasive EEG sensor ine mbiri chiteshi EEG dual frequency index yevakuru nevana (yepakutanga kodhi 186-0106 yevakuru uye 186-0200 yevana);Kune zvakare ina chiteshi EEG bispectral index (yepakutanga kodhi ndeye 186-0212).Ose maviri maviri chiteshi uye mana chiteshi EEG ndeaya maviri frequency index.Yekutanga ine ma electrode mana uye yekupedzisira itanhatu electrode.Iwo anowirirana neBIS module, asi akasiyana maEEG sensors anosarudzwa zvichienderana neakasiyana makiriniki ekushandisa.

kuraswa anesthesia kudzika kwete-invasive EEG sensor

Iye zvino mumushonga wekiriniki, vazhinji vavo vanoshandisa maviri chiteshi EEG dual frequency index.Ina chiteshi EEG dual frequency index inowanzoshandiswa mukutsvagisa kwekiriniki iyo inoda kunyatso tarisisa dzakasiyana EEG Nyika, zvichingodaro.

Ehezve, mukuwedzera kune dual frequency index yataurwa pamusoro, kune zvakare EEG state index modules, entropy index modules inoenderana neGe equipment (original code: m1174413), modules inoenderana neMassimo sedline (R) monitor uye sedline moc-9 uye sedline murwere tambo (yepakutanga kodhi: 2479), IOC anesthesia kudzika, nezvimwe.

kuraswa anesthesia kudzika kwete-invasive EEG sensor

Aya anoraswa asingapindire EEG sensors ataurwa pamusoro anogona kupihwa neMedlinket.Mushure memakore ekuongororwa kwemusika wekiriniki, vane kuita kwakagadzikana, kuyerwa kwakaringana uye kuita kwemutengo wepamusoro.Ehe, kana iwe uchida kugadzirisa yakakosha kuraswa isingapindike EEG sensor, isu tinogona zvakare kupa mhinduro zvinoenderana nezvaunoda.

 kuraswa anesthesia kudzika kwete-invasive EEG sensor

If you want to know more about Medlinket disposable non-invasive EEG sensors, you can call us by email marketing@medxing.com to learn more~

kuraswa anesthesia kudzika kwete-invasive EEG sensor

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